While working at Etraffic Solutions as an illustrator / animator, I was involved in ADLC: Alberta Distance Learning Centre’s French and later Spanish as second languages spanning from the Grade 3 level up to grade 10. My work started with creating tiny 1″ vector drawings to represent each word in the glossary lists.
The challenge was finding an image that would represent each word in such a limited space as we progressed from the younger grade levels up to more challenging material. I remember when I first started in out open office, one of the managers of the other areas told me – she kept seeing all these images on my screen and wondered why I was playing games at work. 🙂
Well, I did eventually make the ‘games’ using Flash, as well as 2D animations.
The project also included workbooks set into modules and their illustrations and games.
Environment: Before/AfterÂ
This was one of my favourites: